Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Ocean View

Moving to the south of Brazil was a real experience. After living almost 10 years in cattle country and having never lived anywhere near the beach, I was a little unsure of the move. Add to the fact that I get sunburned in the shade and you can understand my apprehension.

But one of the joys I have found of living on the coast is being able to see the ocean. Thankfully I have an ocean view from my office balcony. Let me share it with you. Here it is.

OK, I know it's kinda hard to see. And it's obstructed. Let me point it out to you.

Alright. It's more obstructed than a seat at Wrigley field but it is my view. It would be a lot better except for this main obstruction.

You can see from this zoomed in photo how this electrical pole blocks me from having a better view. It is aggravating but I have found a way around it. If I lean way over the edge, I get a view more like this:

To be honest, I only leaned over the railing to take this photo cause I'm not too keen on falling three stories.

I know it's not much of a view but I do enjoy looking at it from time to time during the day. Sure beats looking out your window and seeing Tidwell Tires.