Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Quiet day at the Beach

As I have mentioned in other posts, this is now our tourist season. Our city has a population of about 40,000 and it is an awesome place to live. We have one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, we are 20 minutes away from the largest amusement part in South America and it's considered to be in the top three cities in Brazil for restaurants.

After living in much more rural areas, moving to a modern city like this one has been a true culture shock. We've felt at times like we had moved to another country.

But for three months out of the year, people from all over South America pour into our town. Everyone kept telling us this was coming but nothing could prepare us for actually living through it. Right now there are about a half a million tourists here. You can't get near a grocery store, restaurants are packed and traffic is a nightmare. A drive that normally takes 5 minutes now takes up to 45 minutes.

Double-click on this picture and you can see how many people you can actually cram on the beach.

Now I don't like crowds. I don't like feeling crowded. I can't imagine sitting in the middle of this mass of sweaty humanity. Doesn't seem like fun or a vacation to me. I can think of a whole lot of other things I would prefer to be doing.

The tourists will be here for about another 6 weeks or so. We are learning to deal with it. Soon we'll have it all to ourselves again. No matter what, it beats Hermitage Landing any day of the week.

Check out my new photos from Balneário at my Flickr page:

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