Thursday, February 1, 2007

Elvis Is My Neighbor

I really should have written about this a long time ago but I guess I've been holding it in my back pocket until a day came that I didn't have anything in particular that I wanted to write about.

Two blocks from where we live is a house like none other I have seen in Brazil. Actually the only thing close to it is in Memphis. Graceland in Brazil.

It seems that this lawyer from out of state visited the US several years ago and one place he had to see was the home of the king. While he was there he had a revelation. Take Graceland back to Brazil. So he did.
He bought a piece of land and build a replica, though not very exact. He used it as a summer home for several years and now it houses an insurance agency. Tourists take pictures of it regularly.
Now what would possess a man to do something like this, I don't know. It seems very bizarre to me but every time I pass it (several times a day) I can't help but think about Tennessee and home so I'm kind of glad it's here.
I wonder if he has a zebra-skinned sofa?


West Nashville Gringo said...

This guy in the comment above me spammed my blog. He asked people to go to his blog but it was a site to download Firefox. I got nothing against Firefox but I hate spamming so I removed his comment.

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