Monday, March 19, 2007

Back at the Beach

Rogerio and I got back about 3am Friday morning from our week long trip to the Pantanal. It was great. We got in a few days of fishing as well as all the meetings we needed to get things in line for this season's fishing trips.
That was my first fish I caught there. It's a five lb dorado. Dorado is one of the fightingest fish I've ever seen. It makes 2-3 feet leaps out of the water trying to jump off your hook. They are beautiful and pretty tasty as well. We ate a ton of fish and I ate caiman crocodile for the first time. Delicious.
All in all, one of the best trips of my life. Can't wait to get back up there again.
I'll be reporting on the details of the trip on my other blog at

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